Friday, January 13, 2012

What Century Are We In Again?

Photo from
In Queensland, New Zealand this Saturday, they're holding something called the Lakes Hayes A&P Show. It's some kind of agricultural event featuring a horse & pony show, husbandry competitions, displays of ag-related machinery, and lawnmower races (where, apparently, they duke it out at the end). Oh, and a home brewing competition.

It seems like a pretty cool day if you can get yourself to Queensland. One problem with the brewing competition, though. They don't allow women to enter. Well to be fair, they can enter, but their beer won't be judged. Their Facebook page describes the event as such (emphasis mine):

The local Agricultural Show is historically where 'town meets country'. We not only hold the traditional events but have created 21st century events to cater for our exciting, energetic, fashionable and create [sic] Wakatipu citizens!

Except their women citizens. Maybe they can enter the brewing competition next century.

When It's Really Important, You Write It Down

Did you know that the oldest known recipe ever discovered was for...

wait for it...


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

My First Batch

Last week, I brewed up my first batch of beer. I used a recipe from John Palmer's "How to Brew" for an American Pale Ale. I think I remember reading somewhere in the book that it should take about 3 hours or so to brew a batch. It took me 6.

This is my boiling wort, made from malt extract. From my rudimentary understanding of the process, the photo shows the beginning of the hot break (my wife loves some of this brewing jargon).

I used Nugget hops (13% AA) for bittering, and Cascade hops (6.4% AA) for finishing. I have to admit, I was a bit disappointed that my local home brew shop (LHBS) only had a couple of varieties of leaf hops. They just look so cool. These look a little like rabbit turds.  

Bottling day should be sometime next week, with another couple of weeks before I can actually enjoy it. If all goes well, I'll have beers to share.

(Photos courtesy of my wife.  Check out her blog at Carissa With a Camera)

Let There Be Beer!

Photo credit: Design Archives

When I was in college, I read a book by Bob Brown entitled "Let There Be Beer!". It was written in 1932, and paid tribute to the all the wonders that the libation offered. It was a humorous mix of history, nutrition (liquid bread!), and just a plain ol' love of the brew.  I've never forgotten that book. Brown had an everyman's approach to beer and the joy that it can bring to one's life.  He was not technical or snooty. He spoke as I imagine many spoke in the aftermath of the repeal of the 18th Amendment, with an exuberance that could only come with a sense of freedom and a mug in your hand. And now, as I venture into my own experience with home brewing, I hope to capture a little of this feeling myself.