Friday, January 13, 2012

What Century Are We In Again?

Photo from
In Queensland, New Zealand this Saturday, they're holding something called the Lakes Hayes A&P Show. It's some kind of agricultural event featuring a horse & pony show, husbandry competitions, displays of ag-related machinery, and lawnmower races (where, apparently, they duke it out at the end). Oh, and a home brewing competition.

It seems like a pretty cool day if you can get yourself to Queensland. One problem with the brewing competition, though. They don't allow women to enter. Well to be fair, they can enter, but their beer won't be judged. Their Facebook page describes the event as such (emphasis mine):

The local Agricultural Show is historically where 'town meets country'. We not only hold the traditional events but have created 21st century events to cater for our exciting, energetic, fashionable and create [sic] Wakatipu citizens!

Except their women citizens. Maybe they can enter the brewing competition next century.

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